节点无法启动(国密版本 v0.24.2)

Thread panicked at db get failed, key: [2, 0, 0, 2, 222, 183], err: “IO error: While open a file for random read: ./data/nosql/000637.sst: Too many open files in system”, cita-chain/types/src/db.rs:274

2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever - 91 | INFO - Version: v0.24.0
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever - 95 | INFO - config_file: ForeverConfig { name: Some(“cita-forever”), command: Some(“cita-forever”), args: None, pidfile: Some(".cita-forever.pid"), process: Some([ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-auth”), command: Some(“cita-auth”), args: Some(["-c", “auth.toml”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-auth.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }, ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-network”), command: Some(“cita-network”), args: Some(["-c", “network.toml”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-network.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }, ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-bft”), command: Some(“cita-bft”), args: Some(["-c", “consensus.toml”, “-p”, “privkey”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-bft.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }, ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-jsonrpc”), command: Some(“cita-jsonrpc”), args: Some(["-c", “jsonrpc.toml”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-jsonrpc.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }, ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-chain”), command: Some(“cita-chain”), args: Some(["-c", “chain.toml”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-chain.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }, ProcessConfig { name: Some(“cita-executor”), command: Some(“cita-executor”), args: Some(["-c", “executor.toml”]), pidfile: Some(".cita-executor.pid"), respawn: Some(3), pid: None, respawns: None }]) }
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 133 | WARN - cita-forever not started
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 286 | INFO - .cita-forever.pid not found.
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 133 | WARN - cita-chain not started
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 286 | INFO - .cita-chain.pid not found.
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 133 | WARN - cita-executor not started
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 286 | INFO - .cita-executor.pid not found.
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 133 | WARN - cita-network not started
2020-12-23 - 14:12:14 | cita_forever::proces - 286 | INFO - .cita-network.pid not found.


Thread main panicked at failed to open url amqp://guest:guest@localhost/mba-mainnet/4 : Protocol(“Connection reset by peer (os error 104)”), /opt/.cargo/git/checkouts/cita-common-1aad419f3e80ba17/73402b5/pubsub_rabbitmq/src/lib.rs:60

This is a bug. Please report it at:


查看一下目录下的/data/nosql/ 多少个文件




rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl reset
rabbitmqctl start_app




5672 这个端口能连接上吗?

rabbitmqctl status

rabbitmqctl list_vhosts

tomcat@ubuntu-03:/opt/export/app/cita_sm2_sm3$ sudo rabbitmqctl status
Status of node ‘rabbit@ubuntu-03’ …
[{rabbitmq_management,“RabbitMQ Management Console”,“3.5.7”},
{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,“RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher”,“3.5.7”},
{mochiweb,“MochiMedia Web Server”,“2.7.0-rmq3.5.7-git680dba8”},
{rabbitmq_management_agent,“RabbitMQ Management Agent”,“3.5.7”},
{mnesia,“MNESIA CXC 138 12”,“4.13.3”},
{os_mon,“CPO CXC 138 46”,“2.4”},
{amqp_client,“RabbitMQ AMQP Client”,“3.5.7”},
{xmerl,“XML parser”,“1.3.10”},
{inets,“INETS CXC 138 49”,“6.2”},
{sasl,“SASL CXC 138 11”,“2.7”},
{stdlib,“ERTS CXC 138 10”,“2.8”},
{kernel,“ERTS CXC 138 10”,“4.2”}]},
“Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]\n”},

tomcat@ubuntu-03:/opt/export/app/cita_sm2_sm3$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
Listing vhosts …

然后进行setup,setup成功后 list_vhosts 会显示新增的vhost

setup 后没有增加
